Deconstructed Chicken Enchilada Verdes

For a quick, authentic verdes recipe, this is our “go-to.” Easy to make at home and a nice variation of nachos during the weeknight. We typically double the recipe so that we have leftovers! You can always use corn or cassava tortillas and still make the tradition enchilada version with this chicken and sauce. Enjoy!


2 chicken breasts

2 c. free range organic chicken broth (We like Kettle and Fire)

½ white onion, halved, divided

2 teaspoons Himalayan salt

2 cloves garlic, divided

1 pound fresh tomatillos, husks removed, the smaller the better!

5 serrano peppers, (seeds can be removed to lessen heat)

1 bag of organic corn chips or grain free chips, crushed

1 cup crumbled queso fresco

1 bunch fresh cilantro, chopped

Combine chicken, broth, one quarter onion, salt, and 1 clove garlic in a medium dutch oven; bring to a boil. Cook for about 20 minutes or until internal temp is 165 degrees F. Remove chicken to a large bowl to cool and shred. Reserve broth; discard onion and garlic. Place tomatillos and serrano peppers in a medium pot and cover with water. Bring to a boil and cook until tomatillos turn from bright green to dull, army green. Strain tomatillos and peppers and place in a blender. Add remaining one quarter onion and remaining 1 clove garlic, Pour in enough reserved broth to cover vegetables in the blender and puree. Combine verdes, chicken and crushed chips into large bowl to combine and then add to 9x13” casserole dish. Top with crumbled cheese and bake at 350 for about 15-20 minutes until the cheese is lightly browned and melted. Garnish with cilantro or any other topping of your choice!


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